Finally, we ended our 1st phase of practicum successfully, happily with full of wonderful memories. Alhamdulillah.. As people said, "the further our journey of life, the more people we meet, the more experience we create". Indeed!
To be honest, I felt very sad while counting days to end this practicum. I feel like I don't wanna stop going to this school (SK Bintong, Perlis). The teachers here are so cool. Sporting and friendly. The kids are really naughty(to be specific, my students) yet, they are adorable actually. We can never expect too high on kids because they are kids of course. haha. Their mentality are still growing and not yet mature. We as adults, should find ways to attract them in studies and also try searching for interesting ways to inculcate moral values.
Today, I already miss those kids and not to forget the teachers as well. Maybe people out there thinks it cliche, because at first everyone doesn't want to be in school-teaching-curriculum activities-lesson plans. But throughout the end of the week, everyone doesn't want to leave the school! bahhh! That's the reality. It's not cliche. But it's experience. Everyone have nerves. First time entering a new place, meeting new people, having commitment with them around you. That is something that you can't imagine and it really shakes your nerves. Especially to people with social network problems. For example, MYSELF. Yes, it's true. I'm actually a shy type of person.*oh, please don't laugh*. But i'll turn out to be someone that you can never imagine when we get closer. Not horrible for sure. haha
the beautiful practical teachers.. haha |
4 weeks of practicum is enough to make me fall in love with teaching profession. There are times I stressed out, get sick, burst into tears, lost temper, but all these things are too precious for me. Deifnitely, i'll keep it in my "memory box". Friends. I mean, practicum mates. I'm very glad to have such wonderful partner and practicum mates during this 1st practicum. Going to school together. Having breakfast and lunch together. Late for school together! haha. Selfie together. Celebrating the end of practicum together. Sharing teaching aids. Gossiping in the staffroom together(while free time okayy). Shopping together after school. Sharing ideas for lesson plans. Everything we did together. Ouh! I feel grateful to be one of their friends. People say: "we should always extend our circle of friends and appreciate them in our life". Yes, I really appreciate them for being such an awesome practicum mates for this first practicum. How I wish we could be together again for the next practicum.
luncheon with le gals~ |
marking worksheets |
co-curriculum activities |
practicum mates |
Teachers of SK Bintong. The GB (headmaster) is a very soft spoken person. He's very kind and polite and "sempoi". During the first day we entered the school, we met him for collaboration and he told us many things about the school and are willing to share more if we meet him next time. The GPK's, Puan Hadijah, Puan Roziah and En Murizman are very friendly and funny. She gave us the timetables, group us in our own Club and Society, and Sports activities and helps us giving information about things that we want to know. My lovely mentor for 1 month, Teacher Rosma is also a good teacher. Everytime I need her help to ask about the lessons and activities, she's always there to give me ideas and comments. She even reminds me to be a bit strict with my students (4 Arif) because they are quite 'nasty'. haha.
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my students - 4 Arif- the buasss kids! |
En Murizman, the GPK of students affairs is also a sweet person. He often walks around the class and asks us whether there is any problem that he would like to give a hand. That's so nice of him. But, behind that sweet face, you'll never believe the whole students of SK Bintong are afraid of him. haha. Finally, the adorable En Che Mohseen, the music teacher who always runs up and down the stairs, to the computer lab, to the seminar room and back to the staffroom to help us with the LCD, unlock the computer lab for us to enter, and took photos of us for the school blog. I can assume his age about middle 40's but he's quite agile and also a kind, soft spoken person. Big thanks to him. Not to forget, the beautiful Cikgu Nurul, the mathematics teacher whose very good in baking. I'll surely miss her cheese cakes, indulgence, red velvet, and chocolate moist cakes. Thumbs up!! Thanks to her too for borrowing us the English Textbook instead of us buying 1. I really miss them all! The kids, the teachers, my practicum mates and two of my sweet seniors there. They are very very kind people.
with le seniors and ustazah Su yang sempoii |
this sweet teacher is my friend's mom. Mak hang Ajrul. haha. |
I'm looking forward to meet them again this 16th May 2014 on Teacher's Day with God wills. I felt a bit frustrated because we didn't have enough time to plan on something to give as a "Thank You" to the whole community of SK Bintong. Hope everything runs smoothly with the help of my beloved practicum mates. Maybe it will be a surprise! hehe. InsyaAllah.
*still waiting for the school blog to be updated. Wanna see our pictures. hehe
See you soon! Thanks for reading =)